=PĪnd, Deathshrimp, would it be possible for some cool new heroes like Setna (younger, has a sword, which he used to kill the immortal serpent guarding the Book of Thoth), and Medea. Maybe we shoulda made a time limit until gargar opened the shouldn't have been hard for him to though, right? Cause if he could release monsters from the underworld, he shoulda been able to release Kronos as easily.I saw that Kronos was the first thing Gargar witnessed when he came close to opening the gate. :Sīut actually I heard Zeus didn't have trouble taking care of Kronos, though Typhon did rip Zeus' limbs apart before Hermes put them back together so Zeus could trap Typhon under a mountain.another thing, what was the battle in the original cinematic on? Was it any specific battle in the campaign or just some foreshadowing? I was really curious as to what part that temple at the start had to play in the whole story.įlies from the underworld? I saw chimeras, minotaurs, einherjar.no flies. However, I never knew Osiris was a war-like god, though he was feared as a judge in the underworld.I wonder how powerful a Set unit would be.the Guardian is too weak a representative for Set at this time. YAY! Thank you as much Deathshrimp! *feels as blessed as Arkantos* I remember in one gamespy article on the AOM campaign about how Greg Street looked forward to people using campaign quotes for their sigs, etc.

I wish Ian Fischer (the guy who wrote the campaign storyline, I think) would come here and answer some questions. So he basically said Psoeidon willed Arkantos to come and stop Gargarensis. :SĪnd another thing, Arkantos seemed to STILL not have any enmity against Poseidon when he said 'You see why Poseidon wanted me to come here? The alst gate is here!'. And she can be killed in the campaign too, if she wasn't a campaign hero she could be killed as easily as most other heroes. Because ALL except those 2 survivors will die in Ragnorak. What about the Poseidon statue thing? Was it actually poseidon's spirit himself or Kronos? Why didn't Gargarensis open the Tartarian Gate to release Kronos in the last scenario, when he could easily have? O_oĪctually, why reginleif is a valkyrie, she's not immortal.

Shows how loyal Arkantos is to his friends.=P About the Setna-ship thing, Arkantos said 'Find us a ship, Amanra' and I could hear the sound of Osiris getting hurt in the background.